
Saturday, March 13, 2004


Lee Humphrey picked up a loose ball at the baseline with time running out in overtime, and launched a rainbow at the buzzer to give the Gators a 75-73 win in their SEC tournament opener. Since it was 12:40 a.m., I couldn't scream for fear of waking up the wife and kids. Amazingly, it was almost a rerun of regulation when Anthony Roberson hit a 3 at the buzzer to give the Gators an apparent win. But replays showed the clock hit 0.0 just as the shot was about to leave his hand, and OT was on. The Gators advance despite a horrid night from Matt Walsh, who was 1-12 from 3 point range and 1-15 overall. They get Vandy in a semifinal to be played a little over 14 hours from now. Time for us all to get some rest.
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