
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

How about some instacontext? 

Recent blogging surveys show that Glenn Reynolds, a/k/a Instapundit, is the most-read blogger. For those unfamiliar with him, Insty is a righty, although he usually comes across far short of a mouth-foaming wingnut. One of his pet causes is the bogeyman known as "liberal media bias", but today he gave a ridiculous example:

At the beginning of the year, Bush's economic policies overshadowed all other issues in news coverage. However, since April, the networks have practically abandoned coverage of his economic policy - even as the economy and labor market have shown signs of significant improvement.

Go figure.
Okay, reader(s) out there, three guesses as to what's happened since April. Hmmm...let's see...there was Clarke, Rice and the 9/11 commission, followed by the Abu Ghraib scandal, and for the last 7-10 days, the death of Ronald Reagan. With the exception of Reagan, most of this bad news that overshadowed the slightly improving economic numbers is a result of Bush's policies, especially the fact that his elective war in Iraq has gone to shit.

As Insty would say: indeed.
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