
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Off to see John-John. 

We interrupt this lack of blogging to mention that the wife and I are headed to the St. Pete Coliseum to catch the Kerry-Edwards rally tonight. I'm bringing the digital camera, so I hope to have some pictures up either tonight (if we get back at a reasonable hour and I'm motivated) or tomorrow.

As for the pick of Edwards, I couldn't be happier. He was my first choice to be the nominee during primary season. In retrospect, I'm kind of glad it turned out this way - Kerry has a much better resume to run on than Edwards, but we still get Edwards' charm and enthusiasm on the ticket.

The rally comes the same day as the release of the latest polling numbers in Florida, this time by Rasmussen Reports. Rasmussen has Kerry up 48-43, and now has the state in the "leaning to Kerry" column. And the notable thing is that this poll was taken during the month of June, before Edwards was added to the ticket. I think Edwards will help the ticket by 2-3 points in this state (perhaps more), so the next set of numbers should be interesting. It's my impression that this state is starting to suffer from "Bush fatigue"; not only have we had 4 years of W, but we've also endured 6 years of Jeb.
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